Campaign FAQs

While reaching out to a wide variety of Stamford residents, exploring the possibility of running for Stamford’s Board of Representatives, Michael learned a lot about their concerns. The vast majority vented about Stamford’s current situation and feared that things would only get worse, if action wasn’t taken. Michael committed himself to independently researching the issues of most concern and corroborated that these concerns were indeed valid. He researched the voting records and agendas of our elected leaders and found that many have betrayed their oaths and become “Rubber Stampers”. Instead of representing the voters that put them in office, all too many were representing our Mayor and outside interests, without an explanation that passes muster. This is not what they promised to do during their campaigns. Michael, like many Stamford residents, felt betrayed and became motivated to serve at a higher level, where he could have a greater impact on his beloved City’s future.

Absolutely! Although he has never held elected office in Stamford, Michael, first of all has an in depth knowledge and love of his hometown. That is a great foundation, upon which he has built.

Michael’s parents have served admirably and with principle, in many volunteer elected positions in Stamford. He has become highly educated as to how various boards and commissions currently operate, within Stamford’s charter. Michael has strong relationships with many City leaders, past and present, who will gladly accelerate any initial learning curve that he may have. He will surround himself with honorable, like-minded appointees who will put Stamford First and excel in their field of expertise.

His commitment to Stamford has never been questioned, as his exemplary police career and extensive resume as a local volunteer illustrate. Michael’s integrity has been tested and he has passed with flying colors. First, as a U.S. Marine with a Final Secret security clearance working with confidential information during the Cold War, and secondly, as an undercover Narcotics Detective with the ability to profit tremendously from alerting drug traffickers of impending raids and felony arrests. He has never betrayed his oaths.

Michael has held supervisory positions in the Marine Corps as well as the Stamford Police Department. In those capacities he has had to make numerous, split second, life or death decisions, without fail. As the Mayor of Stamford, he will have the luxury of time and the benefit of great counsel in every area, before making crucial decisions. If he, once again, gives an oath to the people of Stamford, he will not stray, nor be influenced by profiteers who do not share his commitment to Stamford. Nor will he be conflicted or distracted by any ambitions outside of Stamford’s borders.

No doubt about it!


  • Unaffiliated voters outnumber Democrats, roughly 30,000 to 28,000. Unaffiliated voters are generally disenfranchised with the “Establishment Parties” and make independent decisions, without guidance from party leaders. If they are motivated by Michael’s message and want to cast a meaningful vote in the Democratic primary, they can easily change their registration to Democrat for the purpose of the primary. They know that Stamford’s next Mayor will most definitely be decided in the Democratic primary and don’t want to just cast a “protest vote” in November. They want their vote to have the largest possible impact.
  • Only 41% of registered voters voted in the 2021 election. Michael has decade’s long relationships with voters of all descriptions, throughout the City. He has risked his life and limb for them and has the injuries to prove it. He can inspire them to do what is right and hear his message. Add to that the many residents of voting age that could potentially register and there are many more votes up for grabs.

Incumbent candidates now have a “report card”. It is no longer a mystery as to what their agenda is and voters tend to remember the negatives over the positives. That, unfortunately, is human nature. If they have talked the talk and not walked the walk, or walked in the wrong direction, they will be held accountable. Stamford voters pay attention and are quite capable of grading the candidates, independent of party leaders.

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